JESUS GIVES US WIINGS | Pastor Damian Carruthers | May 19, 2024

May 19, 2024    Pastor Damian Carruthers

Pentecost is the third biggest Celebration in the calendar of the Church, after Christmas and Easter. The word goes back to the Greek word “pentekoste”, which means “The 50th”, and the reason is that since the 4th century, we celebrate what happened in Acts 2 fifty days after Easter and therefore, with Pentecost ends the Easter Season. In Acts 2, God sends his Holy Spirit to all people, not just to a few, as God did before this day. Pentecost is the time when disciples no longer feared but were energized to proclaim the good news of God’s love through the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Listen in to discover what this ancient event has to do with us today.