THE HOME OF GOD | Pastor Damian Carruthers | November 3, 2024
Friends, in this service we celebrate All Saints Sunday. It is a day not so often marked in non-denominational churches, so it might be new to some of you, though it is a Sunday that has long been part of the liturgical calendar of the church, and I think for good reason. On All Saints Sunday, we pause to remember those who have come before us—people of faith who walked this earth and have now joined God in eternity. And we also celebrate the saints still in our midst—the people around us, who, despite their imperfections, strive to live in God’s love every day. Friends, All Saints is a time of remembering, yes, but also a time of re-membering, of reaffirming our shared identity as the Body of Christ, knowing that nothing can separate us from God or, through God, one another—not even death!